An ideal educational facility for a meaningful learning environment
With a modernist look, FEDAC Montcada primary school, located in Montcada Reixac, is an ideal educational facility for a meaningful learning environment.
Located at the foot of a sloping street and bordering with a train track, the school stands out for its white, somewhat old railings and its striped, weather-beaten walls.
The school site has equipment adapted to the dynamic needs of its pupils and according to pedagogical activities, in a space where the children can develop.
One has only to get through the main door, climb the small stone steps and realize that we have arrived in the central courtyard, yes, to that large, tattooed rectangle of playground activities, goalposts and basketball hoops in which cultural events are held, games are played and innocent laughs take place during recess.

Something strange is happening at school.
Lately, every morning on arrival at the school, the students and teachers of FEDAC Montcada having been finding the classrooms much more disordered than usual: open drawers, markers on the floor, painted murals, and even upturned chairs and tables... Everyone is worried because nobody knows what is happening.
One day, Professor Dani Abian, whilst on his way to school, found a crumpled envelope on the floor. Being an environmentally responsible person, he picked up the envelope and set out to find a trash can to throw it in when he arrived at the school.
But to his surprise he noticed something hard in the envelope, a pendrive, and also what seemed to be a letter, but alas it was not a letter either ... it was a document about Paranormal Activity!
In the letter it stated that for a while they had been detecting more electromagnetic activity than normal ... it also stated that they had sent a team from the American Paranormal Research Association to the area!
Dani, after reading the letter, wanted to see what was on the pendrive and connected it to his computer ... He could not believe it contained a video recorded in the basement of the school by teachers.
What was happening at school?
Can you help students solve the strange things happening school?
Then somebody knocked at the door ... knock, knock knock ...

American Paranormal Research Association
Dr. Naismith and Dr. Earwing, of the American Space Science Agency, explain that they are convinced that under our school there is a whole civilization of monsters that live upside down. And at night, when they close the school, they enter the classrooms, run down the corridors, graffiti over the students murals, and are so big with such little control of their bodies that they tend to leave the place a bit messy. In fact, they explained to us that each person and each thing has its own monstrous "reflection" in the other world, and they believe that if one day we were hidden in class or in school we could see them ... The doctors explained that fear is elastic, and that monsters' size depends on how we feel about ourselves, that is to say if we feel brave, the monsters will be very small and we can handle them. This explanation reassures us a little. But ... what is the plan of doctors Naismith and Earwing? Yes! They will try to lock us into a class so we can see the monsters and allow them to take us to their world. The doctors are convinced that if we connect with them they will disappear, but what if we do not want our own monsters to disappear? What if we want to continue like this? What if we like to find our classes cluttered and painted when we arrive in the morning? We must find a way out of the class, and for this the doctors have set us a series of tests that will help solve the case ...
Are you ready?